EarthView 3.8.5_高品質地球高空鳥瞰圖+繁體中文化

【軟體名稱】:EarthView 3.8.5+繁體中文化
【檔案大小】:3.25 MB
EarthView 是個兼具螢幕保護程式與動態桌面的特殊軟體,它能夠將地球的日照情形非常漂亮的顯示出來。它所提供的高品質地球高空鳥瞰圖,可以高達 1600x1200 的螢幕解析度。

EarthView main features:
* High detail view of the earth
* Day and night view
* Urban areas and city lights
* Clouds
* Three beautiful maps to choose from
* Locations of more than 3000 Cities with local time
* Map and globe projection
* Wallpaper and screen saver support
* Multiple monitor support
* Many options for full customization
* and much more...
Changes in Version 3.8.5 (18.07.08):
* Fix: problem with screen saver not updating on some systems solved